公众演讲技巧Public speaking and presentations demystifie

出版时间:2009-12  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Templeton, Melody  页数:259  


This latest book in the Demystified series takes the confusion out of preparing for and delivering speeches and presentations. Public Speaking and Presentations Demystified walks you step-by-step through the fundamentals of the subject and provides you with techniques for effective speaking, avoiding common errors, and overcoming stage fright. With these skills, you will feel confident in business and social situations when you find yourself in the spotlight.


Melody Templeton has served on the faculties of the Wharton MBA and Executive MBA programs. She has lead thousands of seminars with Fortune 500 companies, industry organizations, and college students.


IntroductionPART ONE GETTING STARTED  CHAPTER 1 What Do I Do First?  CHAPTER 2 Audience Analysis  CHAPTER 3 Finding Information to Support Your IdeasPART TWO PUTTING THE PIECES TOGETHER  CHAPTER 4 Putting the Pieces in Order  CHAPTER 5 Creating an Outline  CHAPTER 6 Creating and Introduction  CHAPTER 7 Building a Powerful Conclusion  CHAPTER 8 Using Notes  CHAPTER 9 Creating Great SlidesPART THREE STAND AND DELIVERPART FOUR SPECIAL SITUATIONS



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