Pocket Babies Mames企鹅姓氏来源词典

出版时间:2005-8  出版社:Penguin  作者:Pickering, David  页数:293  


What's in a name? Rather more than you might at first suspect, for names are steeped in history and myth and have much to tell us about our past, our beliefs - even our personality traits. The Penguin Pocket Dictionary of Babies' Names takes a close look at 3500 names, explaining origins and meanings, showing how some have changed in popularity and use over time and providing all the diminutive and variant forms. Part of Penguin's major new series of reference titles ranging from Spanish and French dictionaries to books on spelling and quotations.



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  •   这是本为婴儿取名的书,书的封面就是这么写的!这中文翻译是不是有问题啊?

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