Mr Clarinet·NICK STONE 克莱里奈特先生

出版时间:2006-9  出版社:Penguin  作者:Nick Stone  页数:565  


WINNER OF THE CWA IAN FLEMING STEEL DAGGER FOR BEST THRILLER OF THE YEAR.    Terrifying exhilarating…A breathlessly compelling tale of black magic and mystery Daily Express.    Mas Mingus knows the price of a bad risk but he takes the Haiti job because no one else will A lawless island of Voodoo and black magic where each man must face his personal demons Haiti is also home to a monster they call Mr Clarinet-infamous for spiriting countless children away form their families.    In searching for the boy-alive or dead-Max has only his life to lose But in Haiti there are fates far worse than death…


Nick Stone was born in Cambridge in 1966. His father is the historian Norman Stone, and his mother descends from one of Haiti's oldest families, the Aubrys. Nick spent his early years in Haiti, before returning to England to finish his schooling.  As a teenager he took up boxing, but gave it up when he won a place to read history at Cambridge.   Mr Clarinet is his first novel and was awarded the Ian Fleming Steel Dagger by the Crime Writers' Association for best thriller of 2006.   He is married and lives in London.



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