Memoirs 田纳西-威廉斯

出版时间:2007-12  出版社:Penguin  作者:Tennessee Williams  页数:274  


  When "Memoirs" was first published in 1975, it created quite a
bit of turbulence in the media - though long self-identified as a
gay man, Williams' candour about his love life, sexual encounters,
and drug use was found shocking in and of itself, and such
revelations by America's greatest living playwright were called "a
raw display of private life" by "The New York Times Book Review".
As it turns out, more than thirty years later, Williams' look back
at his life is not quite so scandalous as it once seemed; he
recalls his childhood in Mississippi and St. Louis, his prolonged
struggle as a "starving artist," the "overnight" success of "The
Glass Menagerie" in 1945, the death of his long-time companion
Frank Merlo in 1962, and his confinement to a psychiatric ward in
1969 and subsequent recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, all
with the same directness, compassion, and insight that epitomize
his plays.


  Tennessee Williams was born in 1911 in Columbus, Mississippi.
He received a Rockefeller Fellowship in 1940 for his play Battle of
Angels, and he won the Pulitzer Prize in 1948 and 1955. Among his
many other plays Penguin have published The Glass Menagerie (1944),
A Streetcar Named Desire (1947), Summer and Smoke (1948), The Rose
Tattoo (1951), Camino Real (1953), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1955),
Orpheus Descending (1957), Sweet Bird of Youth (1959), Period of
Adjustment (1960), The Night of the Iguana (1961), The Milk Train
Doesn't Stop Here Anymore (1963; revised 1964) and Small Craft
Warnings (1972). Tennessee Williams died in 1983. The films of John
Waters - director, screenwriter, and racounteur of kitsch and camp
- include: Pink Flamingoes, Serial Mom, Cecil B. Demented, and A
Dirty Shame.




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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   实际274页,图片质量一般,黑白。回忆录的内容很有价值,字很小,序言是JOHN WATERS写的。
  •   就像白先勇先生说的,田纳西的回忆录很值得一看,如果是亚瑟米勒出一本自传也就随便翻翻。很喜欢的戏剧家不同寻常的一生,但是企鹅的书实在是。。。。。。质量很糟糕,字体看着很不爽就像盗版似得啊。可能还是从仓库里翻出来的,书页各种压过,但是整个网只有这还有现货也没有电子书。希望可以重视下90年代以前出版的很有价值的读物的kindle版!
  •   对于非专业为英语的人很适合,语言相对其他英语小说比较简单,情节很好,想了解田纳西威廉斯的人一定不能错过偶!
  •   书很大,很厚,但不重,这就是自己为什么喜欢进口书的原因。田纳西·威廉斯一直是自己喜欢的作家,这部回忆录除了记录他成长的细节,还奉献了珍贵的许多照片,爱不释手啊

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