友谊需要以物质为基础/Friendship According to Humphrey

出版时间:2006-7  出版社:Penguin USA  作者:Birney, Betty G.  页数:150  


Grade 2-4-The adorable and intelligent hamster introduced in The World According to Humphrey (Putnam,2004) is dismayed to find that he shares his status as classroom pet with a frog.Try as he might,Humphrey cannot seem to make friends with Og,who just splashes him or says"BOING!"The little rodent,who can secretly write,learn,and get out of his cage,also uses his wits to effect positive outcomes of the various subplots,including a new girl who won't talk and has trouble making friends,two pals who get into a terrible fight,a bully who causes trouble on the bus,and the janitor who dreams of going back to college.The theme of friendship is as pervasive as the title implies,making this chapter book a charming read-aloud.Pair this tale with Frank Asch's Survival School(S & S,2003)for an appreciation of animals in the classroom.


1:Strange Change2:Upset Pet3:Sad-Mad-Bad4:Mean Bean5:Rhyme Time6:Crabby Abby7:Fright Night8:Ill Will9:Mrs.Brisban Explains10:Test Distres11:Study Buddies12:Party Hearty13:Show Business,Snow Business14:Oh,No,More Snow!15:Poetry FestivityHumphrey's Guide to the Care and Feeding of Friends



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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   书很不错,采用了传统的比较偏黄的纸张,对眼睛保护有益。内容表面看很shallow,其实认真思考一下,真的很耐人寻味,但不得不说,“友谊需要以物质为基础”翻译得也太夸张了!!!
  •   友谊需要以物质为基础(Friendship According to Humphrey)先来评价一下做工。刚刚收到这本书的时候感觉这本书很轻,出奇的轻是它的特点,比起和它体积相同的书来说这本书几乎没有重量!!可能作为我们的枕边读物来说躺在床上阅读不会感觉肌肉酸痛是它的优点,也正因为如此这本书失去了它应有的手感(沉甸甸的感觉会好一点)。纸的质量也许是因为轻的缘故纸质并不十分高档。从侧面来看有毛刺而且封面比书的内容窄了1毫米。闻起来有一股浓浓的浆糊味。该书真正做到了每一页纸上都能保证双面有字,包括封面。也许这就是外国书籍的特点吧。内容是讲一只叫翰弗莱的仓鼠和一只青蛙之间的故事,确切的说是仓鼠眼中的友情观。适合8岁以上人士阅读,感觉更适合儿童阅读。书后还有一些小游戏供读者消遣。总的评价:还是留给孩子们吧。

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