The Witness证人

出版时间:2008-6  作者:Jauncey, James  


A fast-paced literary thrillerset in the Scottish Highlands in the near future, when the disastrous nationalization of the land has led to a violent uprising    I'm the only one who saw what they did . . .   From the shelter of the pine trees, through the falling snow, John watched as the men kicked down doors, shattered windows and fired their first shot. It was a long time before he stopped trembling, before he dared to return and see if anyone needed his help. Among the ruins he found a small boy, too terrified to tell John his name. Now the only witness and the sole survivor are running for their lives. John knows how to look after himself, how to live off the land and his wits. But now he's looking after someone else and every choice he makes could mean the difference between life and death.




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