S. T. O. R. M. - The Viper Club风暴

出版时间:2008-8  作者:E. L. Young  


S. T. O. R. M. are: Will Knight, an inventive genius, who creates cutting-edge gadgets; Andrew Minkel, a software millionaire, who is the founder of S. T. O. R. M.; and, Gaia, a brilliant chemist with a habit of blowing stuff up. The boss of the Shanghai criminal underworld has issued a deadly challenge to the members of his Viper Club - to create three undetectable methods of murder. At stake is a $100 million dollar prize ...and the lives of three innocent people. S. T. O. R. M. are in Sydney when they uncover these sinister plans - and so is one of the killers. Who lives, and who dies is all a question of timing...This book provides fast paced, gadget-packed action - perfect for adrenaline junkies.



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