Hearts in Atlantis亚特兰蒂斯之心

出版时间:2000-7  出版社:New English Library Ltd  作者:Stephen King  页数:621  


Stephen King’s collection of five stories about ’60s kids reads like a novel。The best is“Low Men in Yellow Coats,”about Bobby Garfield of Harwich,Connecticut,who craves a Schwinn for his 11th birthday。But his widowed mom is impoverished,and so bitter that she barely loves him。King is as good as Spielberg or Steven Millhauser at depicting an enchanted kid’s-eye view of the world,and his Harwich is realistically luminous to the tiniest detail:kids bashing caps with a smoke-blackened rock,a car grille“like the sneery mouth of a chrome catfish,”a Wild Mouse carnival ride that makes kids“simultaneously sure they were going to live forever and die immediately。”   Bobby’s mom takes in a lodger,Ted Brautigan,who turns the boy on to great books like Lord of the Flies。Unfortunately,Ted is being hunted by yellow-jacketed men--monsters from King’s Dark Tower novels who take over the shady part of town。They close in on Ted and Bobby,just as a gang of older kids menace Bobby and his girlfriend,Carol。This pointedly echoes the theme of Lord of the Flies (the one book King says he wishes he’d written):war is the human condition。Ted’s mind-reading powers rub off a bit on Bobby,granting nightmare glimpses of his mom’s assault by her rich,vile,jaunty boss。King packs plenty into 250 pages, using the same trick Bobby discerns in the film Village of the Damned:“The people seemed like real people,which made the make-believe parts scarier。”   Vietnam is the otherworldly horror that haunts the remaining four stories。In the title tale,set in 1966, University of Maine college kids play the card game Hearts so obsessively they risk flunking out and getting drafted。 The kids discover sex,rock,and politics,become war heroes and victims,and spend the ’80s and ’90s shell-shocked by change。The characters and stories are crisscrossed with connections that sometimes click and sometimes clunk。The most intense Hearts player,Ronnie Malenfant (“evil infant” ),perpetrates a My Lai-like atrocity;a nice Harwich girl becomes a radical bomber。King’s metaphor for lost ’60s innocence is inspired by Donovan’s“sweet and stupid” song about the sunken continent,and his stories hail the vanished Atlantis of his youth with deep sweetness and melancholy intelligence。 作者简介:  Stephen King was born in Portland,Maine,in 1947。He won a scholarship award to the University of Maine and later taught English,while his wife,Tabitha。got her degree。  It was the publication ofhis first novel Carrie and its subsequent film adaptation that set him on his Wav to his present position as perhaps the bestselling author in the world。  Carrie was followed by a string ofbestsellers including The shining,It,Misery,Bag of Bones,On Writing(A Memoir of the Craft)and Dreamcatcher。  He lives in Bangor,Maine,with his wife,novelist Tabitha King。




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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   小说的情节铺陈需要一个时间跨度。“静静的顿河”需要十几年,丹.布朗需要好几个月;而斯蒂芬.金,一分钟足矣。这本“亚特兰蒂斯之心”我只看了第一部分“LowMeninYellowCoats”,震惊于其**的叙事才能。一个本不复杂的故事,写得如此悬疑丛生、饱含深情。只需要一分钟的情节,情感的波涛却汹涌而来,让我难以招架。掩卷而泣:这主人公Bobby,不就是小时候的我,一个居于城市穷人区的少年么?1960年代的风情,就这样跃然纸上,向读者栩栩如生地呈现。有志于写作的朋友,见识一下斯蒂芬.金的魔力吧。当今文坛,若论强大的叙事抒情能力,无人能出其右。
  •   大家都很喜欢这个作家,我就索性买一本读读,但发现他写的东西口语特别多,而且不是我喜欢的风格,没想到这个书是分两个故事,前一个似乎和HeartsinAtlantis没什么关系,是个科幻,看完了竟然没兴趣看heartsinatlantis了........

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