Babymouse #5 Heartbreaker老鼠宝贝

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  作者:Holm, Matthew/ Holm, Matthew (ILT)  页数:91  


AHHH, VALENTINE'S DAY Babymouse "loves "Valentines Day A day for pink hearts Flowers Candy School dances and romance . . . sweetromance WAIT Romance? Ew And what's this about a school dance? Does that mean Babymouse needs a date? Uh-oh Looks like thisValentine's Day may turn into a Valentine's "dud" Will Babymouse go to the school dance? Will she get any Valentines? Will she find true love? Find out in . . . Babymouse: "Heartbreaker"


Brother-and-sister team, Matthew Holm and Jennifer L. Holm have had their share of school dance dramas. Today Jennifer Holm is the author of several highly acclaimed novels, including Penny from Heaven and the Newbery Honor-winning Our Only May Amelia . M



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