Hardy Boys #1 Extreme Danger 哈迪男孩1

出版时间:2005-4  出版社:Simon & Schuster  作者:Dixon, H Franklin W  页数:165  


  MISSION: To find the mastermind behind a possible attack at
the Big Air Games.
  LOCATION: Philadelphia, PA.
  POTENTIAL VICTIMS: Top extreme athletes in the country. Thousands
of spectators.
  SUSPECTS: There may be a group of extremists working together.
There may be just one


  Franklin W. Dixon Franklin W. Dixon is actually a pseudonym
for any number of ghostwriters who have had the distinction of
writing stories for the Hardy Boys series. The series was
originally created by Edward Stratmeyer in 1926, the same
mastermind of the Nancy Drew detective series, Tom Swift, the Rover
Boys and other characters. While Stratmeyer created the outlines
for the original series, it was Canadian writer Leslie McFarlane
who breathed life to the stories and created the persona Franklin
W. Dixon. McFarlane wrote for the series for over twenty years and
is credited with success of the early collection of stories. As the
series became more popular, it was pared down, the format changed
and new ghostwriters added their own flavor to the stories. Part of
the draw of the Hardy Boys is that as the authors changed, so to
did the times and the story lines. While there is no one true
author of the series, each ghostwriter can be given credit for
enhancing the life of this series and never unveiling that there
really is no Franklin W. Dixon.


1. Terror at 12,000 Feet
2. Duck!
3. Extreme Danger
4. Warning Signs
5. Killer Wheels
6. Attacked!
7. Blood on the Half-Pipe
8. Dead on Arrival
9. Who Is Mr. X?
10. Let the Games Begin
11. Crash and Burn!
12. The Biker in Black
13. "Meet Me at Midnight"
14. A Real Shocker
15. Heroes



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