Little Bunny Foo Foo 小兔子福福

出版时间:2004-2  出版社:Scholastic  作者:Johnson, Paul Brett 绘  


  The familiar verses of this irresistible song are maintained,
but with a few added surprises. Here, it's not just field mice that
suffer Little Bunny Foo Foo's mischievous tricks, but woodchucks,
foxes, and grizzly bears And as Little Bunny Foo Foo's subjects
grow, so do his scooping methods, from lasso to tractor bucket to
crane. All the while, Little Bunny Foo Foo takes his naughtiness to
hyperbolic heights as the Good Fairy--riotously rendered as a
possum--points out the error of his wayward ways. Painted in a
warm, folksy style with vibrant colors, Johnson strikes just the
right balance between the joys of being bad and a tongue-in-cheek
lesson in behavioral reform.



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