
出版时间:2003-6  出版社:Berkley Pub Group  作者:Rohan Gunaratna  页数:362  


Based on over five years of research, Inside Al Qaeda provides the definitive story behind the rise of this small, mysterious group to the notorious organization making headlines today.


AbbreviationsPreface to the Third EditionAppendix to the PrefaceIntroduction1.Who Is Osama bin Laden?2. AI Qaeda's Organization, Ideology and Strategy  055 Brigade  Financial Network  Training  Tactics  Ideology3. AI Qaeda's Global Network  Decentralization  North America  Europe  Britain  France  The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Spain  Germany and Switzerland  The Balkans  Role of Islamic NGOs and Charities in the Balkans  The Caucasus  Egypt  Algeria Yemen United Arab Emirates Libya Saudi Arabia Iran, Lebanon, Hezbollah Iraq Israel/The Occupied Territories Africa Sudan Sub-Saharan Africa Latin America4. Asia: A1 Qaeda's New Theater  AI Qaeda's Network in the Asia-Pacific Region  Central Asia  Xinjiang (Western China)  Southeast Asia (The Phihppines, Singapore, Malaysia)  Indonesia  Thailand  Myanmar  Japan and South Korea  Australia  India and Pakistan  Bangladesh5.The AI QaedaThreat and the International Response  The Context  Understanding the Threat  AI Qaeda's Strategy  Damage Assessment  A1 Qaeda's Mind-set  Threat Trajectory  Short-term Response  Mid-term Response  Long-term ResponseNotesIndex



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