Nancy Drew #1 The Secret of the Old Clock 南茜·朱尔

出版时间:1930-5  出版社:Price Stern Sloan  作者:Keene, C.  页数:180  


  Nancy Drew's keen mind is tested when she searches for a
missing will.


Carolyn Keene is the author of the ever-popular Nancy Drew (All New) Girl Detective and Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew series.


Summer 2005 (Volume XLVIII, Number 2, pp 248-250) Cover Story Septuagenarian Nancy Drew Still Solving Mysteries (Photo of The Hidden Staircase) "Since 1991, Applewood Books has been publishing exact replicas of the Original Nancy Drew Mystery Series from the 1930s--twenty to date. The originals feature a sixteen-year-old Nancy who was a bit more independent than her 1950s "revised version" who was eighteen and much more demure."


From School Library Journal Grade 3-6-Girl sleuth, Nancy Drew, is introduced in this audio version of the first book in the series. After aiding an injured child, Nancy accidentally stumbles upon the mystery of Josiah Crowley's missing will. While several of Crowley's impoverished relatives claim that he had included them in his will, his arrogant relatives, seem to possess the only copy, which leaves them in total possession of the deceased man's fortune. Nancy is intrigued by the situation and begins searching for Crowley's missing antique clock, an object that reportedly contains a clue to the will's location. During her investigation, she encounters a series of obstacles, one of which is the theft of the clock by thieves. Nancy's rescue of the clock ultimately leads to her discovery of the real will. Narrator Laura Linney (The Mothman Prophecies, The Truman Show) delivers a pleasant listening experience with clear pronunciation and excellent timing. While the voices of some characters are more clearly delineated than others at times, the exchanges between characters are still easily followed. Background music is occasionally used, usually to indicate moments of tension. Libraries with a demand for fiction featuring girl detectives will want to add this to their collections. Paula L. Setser, Deep Springs Elementary School, Lexington, KY Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.




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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   The Secret of the Old clock is a very interesting book. Nancy Drew finds a hidden will of a old man and re***ns the money to the sisters she met.
  •   孩子喜欢,纸质轻,字体合适.
  •   好书大家读吧
  •   给孩子的英语课外阅读补充,不错

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