I Completely Must do drawing Now and Painting and Coloring我必须画画

出版时间:2007-6  出版社:Price Stern Sloan  作者:罗伦·乔尔德  


Even the rainiest of days is no match for the wonderful
imaginations of Charlie and Lola! It may be dull outside, but
Charlie and Lola’s world is full of colorful adventure, and with
this unique coloring book, kids can join in on the fun. With simple
text on the page, activities, and tons of space to draw, the
possibilities are endless! It’s the perfect way to bring
imagination to life—rainy day or any day!



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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   看过动画再来看书的,还是喜欢。
  •   很好玩
  •   经典的儿童全英绘本,当当价很值
  •   可以涂色,不错
  •   花样百出的妹妹 淡定到底的哥哥
  •   开本很大 提醒一下 里面没有颜色 是本很大很大的涂色书
  •   不是故事书 是绘画书 估计要囤一阵子 等5-6岁再使用啦
  •   全都是英文,图画是黑白的,当作涂色本吧。

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
