
出版时间:2006-6  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Thomas, Andrew  页数:256  


Examine the standard procedures making up the life cycle of a design and build project in the latest publication in the Architecture in Practice Series. Author Andrew Mark Thomas provides commentary on the procurement route, specifics of design and build, and the documents which make up this environment. He then describes the process of tendering, how the contractor runs the project, the specific JCT conditions of contract, the consultants roles, and a who s who of those involved in the project. Interspersed among this information are illustrated case studies demonstrating how Design and Build works in various countries.


Introduction. Mailbox, Birmingham. Procurement Route (The Client Choices). Kingsmead Citiplex, Bath. ‘Design-Build’. The Contract Documents. Tendering. The Project. Consultant Appointment. The Construction Contract. The Consultant’s Role. The Project Team (Who’s Who). Choosing the Correct Procurement. PFI. Case Studies. Design Management. Value Engineering. The Way Forward. Notes. Photocredits. Terminology. Bibliography. General Information.



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