英国电子港湾开业傻瓜书 Starting a Business on eBay.co.uk for Dummies

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Collier, Marsha/ Matthews, Dan  页数:329  


Whether you're looking to make some extra cash or become the next eBay.co.uk entrepreneur, experts Marsha Collier and Dan Matthews show you how to transform your eBay hobby in to a profitable business. From finding the right products and managing auctions to legal issues and maximising profits, this book is your step-by-step guide to success.作者简介:    Marsha Collier is an eBay Powerseller, eBay University instructor, and author. Dan Matthews is the online editor of Startups.co.uk, the UK's leading online business resource, and a regular user of eBay.


IntroductionPart Ⅰ: Getting Serious About eBay.co.uk  Chapter 1: Using eBay.co.uk to Launch Your Business  Chapter 2: eBay.co.uk Business Basics  Chapter 3: Essential eBay.co.uk Tools  Chapter 4: Practising Safe Selling  Chapter 5: Opening a Shop, VirtuallyPart Ⅱ: Setting Up Shop  Chapter 6: Stocking Your Shop  Chapter 7: Knowing Your Merchandise  Chapter 8: Establishing a Base: Your Web SitePart Ⅲ: Serious Business!  Chapter 9: Software Built for Online Auctions  Chapter 10: Money and Sense: Budgeting and Marketing Your Auctions  Chapter 11: Jazzing Up Your Auctions  Chapter 12: Providing Excellent Customer Service  Chapter 13: Money Matters  Chapter 14: Delivering on Your PromisePart Ⅳ: your eBay.co.uk Admin  Chapter 15: Going Legit  Chapter 16: Practising Safe and Smart Record-Keeping  Chapter 17: Building an eBay.co.uk Back OfficePart Ⅴ: The Part of Tens  Chapter 18: Ten Successful (and Happy) eBay Sellers and Their Stories  Chapter 19: Ten Strategies to Sell Your Stuff Successfully  Appendix A: Glossary  Appendix B: The Hows and Whys of a Home NetworkIndex



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