Professional Windows Vista 编程小计谋Professional Windows Vista Gadgets Programming

出版时间:2007-10  作者:Wei-Meng Lee  页数:378  


Professional Windows Vista Gadgets Programming covers sidebar and sideshow gadget development each in their own part of the book. Part 1 will cover Sidebar gadgets while Part 2 covers SideShow gadgets. In each part, the book first explains the motivation behind each technology and its features.   Then, the reader is taken on a quick walkthrough of how to develop a simple gadget, using the traditional "Hello World" approach to quickly introduce the key concepts. After the quick walkthrough, subsequent chapters will then dive into each specific API that is relevant to enhancing the gadget.


Acknowledgments. Introduction. Part I: Sidebar Gadgets.  Chapter 1: Introduction to Windows Sidebar.  Chapter 2: Programming Windows Sidebar Gadgets.  Chapter 3: Exploring Sidebar Gadgets APIs.  Chapter 4: Enhancing Sidebar Gadgets.  Chapter 5: Sidebar Gadget Project. Part II: SideShow Gadgets.  Chapter 6: Introduction to Windows SideShow.  Chapter 7: Programming SideShow Gadgets.  Chapter 8: Simple Content Format.  Chapter 9: Interacting with SideShow Devices.  Chapter 10: SideShow Project. Index.




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