解梦Dream Dictionary For Dummies

出版时间:2008-1  作者:Penney Peirce  页数:320  


You probably recognize a connection between the dream world and the "real" world, but did you know you can actually do things to nurture your dream life? This fun and fascinating guide shows you not only how to decode your dreams, but how to remember them and even how to make a dream work for you.   Discover how to:   Recognize your dream cycles   Increase your ability toremember your dreams   Keep and use a dream diary   Notice your waking dreams   Focus your dreams to solve problems or make decisions.


Introduction Part I: Decode Your Dreams  Chapter 1: Opening Your Dream Door  Chapter 2: Increasing Dream Recall  Chapter 3: Identifying Dream Activity  Chapter 4: Unlocking the Secrets in Symbols  Chapter 5: Finding Dream Meanings Part II: Dictionary of Symbols Dictionary Part III: The Part of Tens  Chapter 6: Ten Techniques for Exploring Dream Messages  Chapter 7: Ten Common Dreams and Their Meanings Appendix: Dream Diary Writing Prompts Index




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