365 Days of Healthy Eating from the American Dietetic Association美国饮食营养协会推荐365天健康饮食

出版时间:2003-10  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Duyff, Roberta Larson  页数:256  


"A daily guide that should be on everyone's nightstand or kitchen table." -Marianne Smith Edge, MS, RD, LD, FADA, President, American Dietetic Association  As a health-conscious reader, you already know all about the benefits of healthy eating and active living. But some days it's harder than others to put that knowledge to good use. Smart eating and an active lifestyle should be easy and enjoyable, not a chore! Let 365 Days of Healthy Eating from the American Dietetic Association show you an easier way to start living a healthier lifestyle, one day at a time. Bestselling author and nutrition expert Roberta Larson Duyff provides easy-to-implement hints, tips, and strategies for:  Having a smart eating mindset  Making easy everyday food choices that benefit your health Buying right-for-you foods and supplements  Preparing food for good nutrition, health, and great flavor-with easy-to-fix recipes that are as good for you as they are great-tasting  Getting more health and phytonutrient benefits from foods you enjoy 365 Days of Healthy Eating from the American Dietetic Association is brimming with sensible, personal, and practical tips that can help you build lifelong healthy eating and fitness habits, one easy step at a time.



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