灾难应对与恢复 Wiley Pathways Disaster Response and Recovery

出版时间:2006-8  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:David A. McEntire  页数:498  


Where do you want to go? You might already be working in the emergency management field, and may be looking to expand your skills. You might be setting out on a new career path. Or, you might want to learn more about exciting opportunities in emergency management.    Wherever you want to go, Disaster Response and Recovery will help you get there. Easy-to-read, practical, and up-to-date, this text not only helps you learn fundamental emergency management concepts; it also helps you master the core competencies and skills you need to succeed in the classroom and beyond. The book’s brief, modular format and variety of built-in learning resources enable you to learn at your own pace and focus your studies.作者简介:    David McEntire is an assistant professor of emergency administration and planning at the University of North Texas. His expertise includes: Disaster Prepardness Planning and reponse, Emergency Management, Terror Response, Disasters in Developing Nations, Disasters, Disaster Relief.


1. Knowing What to Expect: Hazards and Disasters  Introduction  1.1 The Occurrence of Disasters    1.1.1  Important Concepts    1.1.2 Preview of Disaster Response and Recovery    Self-Check  1.2 Types of Hazards    1.2.1 Natural Hazards    1.2.2 Atmospheric Hazards    1.2.3 Geological Hazards    1.2.4 Hydrologic Hazards    1.2.5  Seismic Hazards    1.2.6 Wildfire Hazards    1.2.7 Biological Hazards    1.2.8 Environmental Hazards    Self-Check  1.3 Technological Hazards    1.3.1 Industrial Hazards    1.3.2 Structural Collapse Hazards    1.3.3 Nuclear Hazards    1.3.4 Computer Hazards    1.3.5 Transportation Hazards    Self-Check  1.4 Civil/Conflict Hazards    1.4.1 Mass Shootings    1.4.2 Panic Behavior    1.4.3 Riots    1.4.4 Terrorism    1.4.5 War    Self-Check  1.5 The Interaction of Hazards and Impact ot    Disasters    1.5.1 The Nature of Disasters    1.5.2 Changes Associated With Disasters    1.5.3 The Need for Response and Recovery    Operations    Self-Check  Summary  Key Terms  Summary Questions  Review Questions  Applying This Chapter  You Try It2 Understanding the Actors: Role and Responsibilities of Disaster Participants  Introduction  2.1 The Public Sector    2.1.1 Local Government    2.1.2 State Government    2.1.3 Federal Government    Self-Check  2.2 The Private Sector    2.2.1  Emergency and Long-Term Medical Care    2.2.2 Sheltering and Construction    2.2.3 Media Reporting    2.2.4 Volunteers and Donations    2.2.5 Insurance Settlements    2.2.6 Utility Restoration    2.2.7 Business Continuity    2.2.8 Transportation    2.2.9 Vending of Goods and Services    Self-Check  2.3 The Non-Profit Sector    2.3.1 The Red Cross    2,3.2 Faith-Based Organizations    2.3.3 Community Groups    Self-Check  2.4 Citizen and Emergent Groups    Self-Check  2.5 Working With Different Groups    Self-Check  Summary  Key Terms  Summary Questions  Review Questions  Applying This Chapter  You Try It 3 Anticipating Human Behavior in Disasters: Myths, Exaggerations and Realities. 4 Approaching Response and Recovery Operations: Alternative Management Theories. 5 Responding with Initial Measures: Hazard Detection, Warning, Evacuation, and Sheltering. 6 Caring for the Injured, Dead and Distraught: Overcoming Physical and Emotional Impacts. 7 Managing Public Relations, Donations and Volunteers: Expected Challenges and Benefits. 8 Moving Beyond Immediate Needs: Damage Assessment, Disaster Declarations and Debris Removal. 9 Promoting Recovery and Mitigation: Disaster Assistance and Vulnerability Reduction. 10 Overcoming Typical Challenges: Other Anticipated Problems After Disaster. 11 Harnessing Technology and Organization: Tools for Local, State and Federal Governments. 12 Dealing with Future Disasters: Prior Lessons, New Threats and Rising Vulnerability. 13 Promoting Disaster Resilience: Preparedness, Improvisation, Professionalism and Leadership. Bibliography. Glossary. Index.



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