孩子如何更健康 How Children Learn to be Healthy

出版时间:2002-11  出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司  作者:Barbara J. Tinsley  页数:181  


The goal of this book is to explore the ways in which children learn to be healthy. The book examines children's understanding of health, from early childhood through adolescence, and how it affects their health behavior and actual physical health. The ways in which parents, other children, schools, media, and children's home and neighborhood influence children's health attitudes and behavior, and actual physical health are also scrutinized.


AcknowledgmentsIntroduction1.Mechanisms and Consequences of Socializing Children to Be Healthy2.Children's Health Understanding and Behavior3.Parents'Health Beliefs4.Parents'Promotion of Their Children's Health5.Parents'Promotion of Their Children's Sexual Health6.Peers,Schools,and Children's Health7.How Television Viewing and Other Media Use Affect Children's Health8.The Social Ecology of Children's Health Socialization9.Summary and ConclusionsReferencesIndex



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