Five Little Monkeys Jump into Learning boxed set 五只猴子去学习礼品套装 ISBN 9780547680781

出版时间:2012-10  出版社:Houghton Mifflin  作者:Christelow, Eileen  


  Eileen Christelow's five little monkeys have been entertaining
children with their antics for more than twenty years. Now
they bring their unique blend of curiosity and ingenuity to the
world oflearning to make monkeying around with math and
science fun for every-one. Jump-start a child's learning as you
count, observe, explore, and experiment together with this
adventurous crew of monkeys as your guides!



    Five Little Monkeys Jump into Learning boxed set 五只猴子去学习礼品套装 ISBN 9780547680781 PDF格式下载

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