On the Day You Were Born 你出生的那天

出版时间:2012-4  出版社:Houghton Mifflin  作者:Frasier, Debra  页数:40页  


  In simple words and radiant collages, Debra Frasier celebrates
the earth and extendsan exuberant welcome to each member of our
human family. Accompanied by a glossaryexplaining such natural
phenomena as gravity, tides, and migration, this unforgettablebook
affirms the special place each child holds in the world. A beloved
classic formore than twenty years, this luminous new edition
includes a note from the author, amusical CD with a reading of the
story, and a refreshed jacket design.



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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   名字容易产生误导,是一本科普书,讲的自然环境的变化。
  •   还没看CD,这是一本都在CD上的书吧
  •   就为了这个名字买的书,心里安慰,稍稍觉得这个有些贵。

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