
出版时间:2001-2  出版社:Houghton Mifflin  作者:Sy Montgomery  页数:48  


Dr. Robert Mason, the current recipient of the National Science Foundation"s Young Investigator Award, has been studying a mysterious phenomenon for over fifteen years: the reemergence of tens of thousands of red-sided garter snakes — the world"s largest concentration of snakes — after a winter spent in a state of suspended animation in subterranean caverns.    This gathering each spring in the forests of Manitoba, Canada, is one of the most extraordinary events of the natural world and is the subject of study for Dr. Mason, a.k.a. the Snake Scientist.


Nic Bishop is an award-winning photographer especially known for his outstanding stop-action wildlife photography. He has published more than twenty books for children. Originally from New Zealand, Nic lives in Massachusetts with his wife.



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