The Milk Makers 牛奶是怎么来的

出版时间:1987-3  出版社:Aladdin  作者:Gail Gibbons  


  Fresh and cold, foaming from a carton or bottle, milk is one
of nature's most nutritious foods. For this, we must thank the milk
In "The Milk Makers," Gail Gibbons begins with the cow,
describing its four-stomach method of producing milk, how it is
milked on a modern dairy farm, and then how milk is transported to
a dairy plant, processed, and loaded onto refrigerated trucks -
with other dairy products - for delivery to stores.
  Step by step, Gail Gibbons' clear, carefully researched text
and crisply colorful pictures tell the wonderful story of milk.


  Gail Gibbons frequently buys milk at a dairy farm near
Corinth, Vermont, where she lives with her husband and two
children. She is the author and illustrator of many award-winning
books for children, including Trucks, The Post Office Book, and New
Road. The Milk Makers is her first book for Atheneum.




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