口腔急症Medical Emergencies in Dentistry

出版时间:2001-10  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Bennett, Jeffrey O.; Rosenberg, Morton B.; Bennett, Jeffrey  页数:556  


This new text outlines a practical framework for treating both common and uncommon emergencies in the dental office. It also promotes an understanding of the many underlying disease states that can precipitate such emergencies. A wide variety of medical emergencies, ranging from treating a child with an epileptic seizure to treating a schizophrenic patient, are discussed and illustrated with real-life case scenarios. This logical approach to diagnosis and treatment of medical emergencies presents a concise review of pathophysiology to support clinical correlations. Medical Emergencies in Dentistry provides a solid foundation in assessment, problem-based decision making, and disease that helps clinicians react quickly and decisively when time is of the essence.


ⅠPatient Assessment   1 Basic Principles and Resuscitation 2 Pediatric Considerations 3 Geriatric Considerations ⅡProblem-Based Assessment   4 Wheezing  5 Dyspnea 6 Hyperventilation 7 Acute Chest Pain 8 Palpitations and Arrhythmias  9 Hypertension  10 Hypotension  11 Drug Allergy and Anaphylaxis 12 Syncope  13 Altered Mental Status   14 Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke) 15 Seizures and Epilepsy   16 Headache and Facial Pain  17 Psychiatric Emergencies  18 Nausea, Vomiting, and Abdominal Pain  19 Hemorrhage and Bleeding Disorders  20 Epistaxis 21 Ophthalmologic Injuries and Emergencies ⅢSystem-Based Assessment   22 Cardiovascular Diseases  23 Neuromuscular Disorders 24 Diabetes Mellitus 25 Thyroid Disorders  26 Adrenal Insufficiency   27 Hematologic Disorders ⅣSpecial Populations and Issues   28 The Substances Abuse Patient 29 Adverse Drug Reactions Associated with Local Anesthesia  30 Herbal Therapies  31 The Abused and Neglected Patient  32 The Pregnant Patient  33 The Sedated Patient  34 Occupational Health and Environmental Emergencies  35 Legal Implications of Emergency Care



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  •   对于这种原版的专科书我可是下了很大的决心和勇气才买的。绝对是那种狠一狠心的心态。书很快就收到的,很好。是SAUNDERELSEVIER这个很权威的出版社的书籍。外国人编的东西和中国人的还是有很大差别的,他们考虑的东西更多更细一些。在这本书中甚至有一章节专门谈及对于是有宗教信仰的人急诊处理的一些方法,这个,至少在我目前看过的书中是向来没有被提及过的东西,或许这种细节在我们看来根本就不屑被列入考虑范围,更不用说是写入书籍中了。决定好好研究这本书,我想是可以学到很多东西的:)推荐!

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