Conn当代疗法2006Conn's Current Therapy 2006

出版时间:2005-12  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Robert E. Rakel, Edward T. Bope 著  页数:1585  


This is the source of choice for concise and easy-to-use guidance on the latest advances in diagnostics, therapeutics, and patient care. More than 300 leading practitioners from over 15 countries describe their preferred techniques for managing hundreds of common disorders affecting every organ system. With more than 90 per cent new authorship, each chapter offers fresh perspectives on the hottest topics. Plus, a new updated design and bonus website for 2006 includes more clinical algorithms and tables, making information readily accessible.


SECTION 1. SYMPTOMATIC CARE PENDING DIAGNOSIS   Pain   Nausea and Vomiting   Gaseousness and Indigestion   Hiccup   Acute Infectious Diarrhea   Constipation   Fever   Cough   Treatment of Insomnia   Pruritus   Tinnitus   Low Back Pain SECTION 2. THE INFECTIOUS DISEASES   Management of the Patient with HIV Disease   Amebiasis   Giardiasis   Sepsis Brucellosis   Varicella (Chickenpox)   Cholera   Food-Borne Illness   Necrotizing Skin and Soft-Tissue Infections   Toxic Shock Syndrome   Influenza   Leishmaniasis Leprosy (Hansens Disease)   Malaria   Bacterial Meningitis   Infectious Mononucleosis   Chronic Fatigue Syndrome   Mumps SECTION 3. DISEASES OF THE HEAD AND NECK SECTION 4. THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM SECTION 5. THE CARDIOVASULAR SYSTEM ASECTION 6. THE BLOOD AND SPLEEN SECTION 7. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM SECTION 8. METABOLIC DISEASE SECTION 9. THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM ……



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