Twin Block矫治器功能治疗

出版时间:2002-11  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Clark, William J.  页数:366  


This is a colour manual, aimed at practising orthodontists. It is a practical and highly illustrated guide to the use of the Twin Block functional appliance, written by the internationally known orthodontist who originated and developed the Twin Block technique. Since the publication of the first edition, much more evidence has emerged for the success of the technique, and this new and updated edition will incorporate that evidence.


1  The art of orthodontics  2  Introduction to Twin Blocks  3  Form and function  4  Growth studies in experimental animals  5  Diagnosis and treatment planning  6  The Clark cephalometric analysis  7  Appliance design and construction  8  Treatment of class II division 1 malocclusion deep overbite  9  Treatment in mixed dentition  10  Combination therapy-permanent dentition  11  The Twin Block traction technique  12  Treatment of anterior open bite and vertical growth patterns  13  Treatment of class II division 2 malocclusion  14  Treatment of class III malocclusion  15  Orthodontics, orthopaedics or surgery?  16  Management of crowding  17  Extraction therapy  18  Treatment of facial asymmetry  19  Magnetic Twin Blocks  20  Adult treatment  21  Temporomandibular joint pain and dysfuction syndrome  22  New horizons in orthodontics  23  The flat earth concept of facial growth  24  Growth response to Twin Block treatment  List of recommended Orthodontic Laboratories  Index




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