心血管疾病快速参考Rapid Reference to Cardiovascular Disease

出版时间:1970-1  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Kotseva, Kornelia, M.D./ Wood, David  


"Rapid Reference to Cardiovascular Risk" will provide the reader with authoritative and accessible information from a clinical expert in the field, to assist with treatment decisions. Each title in the "Rapid Reference" series covers diagnosis, treatment, management and prevention. They also contain drug listings, clinical trial information, future developments, FAQs and website listings to keep the reader up to date with new developments and to extend their knowledge of the disease area. With patients becoming better informed about the nature and management of their conditions, "Rapid Reference" is a timely series that offers doctors easy access to the best information for patient care and management. management and prevention.



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