Seven UP七喜

出版时间:2005-1  出版社:0-7553  作者:Janet Evanovich  


In her most explosive adventure yet, bombshell bounty hunter Stephanie Plum is dropped into a smorgasbord of murder, kidnapping and extortion – a magnificent buffet of mud wrestling, motorcycles, fast cars, fast food, and fast men.
Stephanie Plum thinks she’s going after an easy FTA: a senior citizen charged with smuggling contraband cigarettes. But when she shows up at his house, she gets more than she bargained for – a corpse in the woodshed and an old man who’s learned a lot of tricks during his years in the mob, and isn’t afraid to use his gun. But Stephanie’s mind is on other matters, because she has two proposals to consider: vice cop Joe Morelli is proposing marriage, and fellow bounty hunter Ranger is proposing a single perfect night…
All in all, a typical dilemma in the world of Plum.



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