
出版时间:2007-7-20  出版社:Pfeiffer  作者:Terrence L. Gargiulo  页数:218  


Terence Gargiulo's 'breakthrough' communications and storytelling are amply demonstrated with dozens of corporate examples. And the best part? Gargiulo shows us, step by step, how to create this storytelling communication magic in our own organizations. The competencies assessed by the instrument represent the nine essential communication behaviors that need to be developed and cultivated in all of today’s leaders and managers: Modeling, Telling, Selecting, Indexing, Synthesizing, Reflecting, Eliciting, Listening and Observing.   Once Upon a Time will show you how to develop exceptional communication skills, and it will serve as an invaluable resource for helping others do the same. Stories are a natural part of how we communicate. Yet many of us are unaware of the different ways we use stories. This book will take the intuitive aspects of communicating through stories and break it down into repeatable practices and essential competencies. The story-based activities in the second half of the book will give you powerful, easy to lead, structured, experiential exercises that can be used in a variety of settings and for lots of different purposes that go beyond training.


Terrence L. Gargiulo is a management consultant, organization development specialist and facilitator based in Monterey, California. He leads unique workshops where participants become more skilled communicators through the use of story-based activities.


Foreword by Mel Silberman. Introduction. PART I: STORY-BASED TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS FOR DEVELOPING BREAKTHROUGH COMMUNICATION SKILLS.  Introduction to Part I.  Chapter 1: Techniques for Working with Stories.  Chapter 2: A Tool for Assessing Story-Based Communication Competencies.  Chapter 3: Sense Making and Stories. PART II: STORY-BASED ACTIVITIES FOR DEVELOPING BREAKTHROUGH COMMUNICATION SKILLS.  Introduction to Part II.  Children’s Book.  Concepts Made Easy.  Cookie Jar.  Expand and Collapse  Guided Journey.  Listening as an Ally.  Magic Three.  Mirror.  Random Conversation.  Relic.  Stories in Words.  Story Collage.  Story Scrap Booking.  Study Tour  Take Three.  Three Channels.  Story Energizers.  Appendix A: The Power of Stories Is in Listening.  Appendix B: Sample Breakthrough Communication Workshop Agendas.  Suggested Readings.  About the Author.  Ordering Information for Story-Based Communication Competency Tool.  Information on MAKINGSTORIES.net Workshops.  A Gift from My Father.




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