Futures Research and the Strategic Planning Process 未来研究与战略规划

出版时间:1985-1  作者:AEHE  页数:129  


Appraises futures research as a tool for dealing with social, economic, political, and technological changes. Features new strategies in planning, forecasting, and environmental scanning.  作者简介:JAMES L. MORRISON, professor of education at the Univer-sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, received his B.S.,M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Florida State University. At Chapel Hill, he teaches courses in educational evaluation,planning, and research in higher education. He is immedi-ate past chair of the Special Interest Group in Futures Re-search for the American Educational Research Association and currently serves as vice president (Division J--Post-secondary Education) of that association. His research interests focus on using futures research techniques in educational planning. With coauthors RenlYo and Boucher,he coedited Applying Methods and Techniques of Futures Research in 1983.


ForewordAcknowledgmentsThe Rationale for Futures ResearchThe Strategic Planning Process  Evolution of the Concept  Strategic PlanningThe Stages of the Strategic Planning Process  Environmental Scanning  Evaluating the Issues  Forecasting  Goal Setting  Implementation  MonitoringDeveloping a Strategic Planning Capability  Early Stages  Link to Long-Range PlanningThe Relevance of Environmental Scanning and Forecasting to Higher EducationAppendicesReferences



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