Comfort Food爽心美食

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:Parragon  作者:Not Available (NA)  页数:112  


With today's busy lifestyles it's all too easy to resort to unhealthy takeout meals and expensive convenience foods, simply because cooking from scratch feels like too much of a chore. However, sitting down to a home-cooked meal can be a wonderful opportunity to relax and unwind-either alone or in the company of family or friends-and is the perfect antidote to a stressful day.    This book shows how easy it can be to prepare tasty and wholesome dishes with the minimum of effort and fuss. It also contains helpful hints to take the pain out of preparation and make it as enjoyable as the finished result.


INTRODUCTIONCHAPTER 1  weekdays:chill out/TV dinnersCHAPTER 2   rainy days:blues chasersCHAPTER 3   lazy weekendsCHAPTER 4   childhood favorites CHAPTER 5   chocolate therapyINDEX



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