Just 100 Calories 低热量健康食谱

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:Parragon  作者:Cooper, Mike (PHT)  页数:176  


Just 100 Calories is the perfect book to hetp you eat a heaLthy andbatanced diet. It provides a range of practicaL and deLicious caLorie counted recipes, so you can see at a gLance exacttyhow many caLories there are in each dish.Among the carefuLly chosen recipes are spicy fah dishes; exotic chicken meats, some favoritemeat recipes, as weLL as delicious vegetarian uggestions. If you have a sweet tooth,there are some great desserts, together with some fabulous drinks for you to try: BeautifuLLy ittustrated with fuLL-color hotography, aLL the recipes in this book are written in easy-to-foLtow, step-by-Step instructions, and are simpLe to prepare and cook.So gt counting and cooking, and see how easy it is to prepare and eat a balanced diet that is as deLicious as it is heaLthy.


IntroductionBreakfast & BrunchesLight Lunches & SnacksDinnersDessertsDrinksIndex




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