深海的奥秘 Ocean

出版时间:2007-9  出版社:Parragon Book Service Ltd (2007年9月1日)  作者:本社 编  页数:320  


From a certain point in outer space, above the paciflc Ocean, the Earth appears entirely blue. It is the presence of liquid water in such vast quantities that marks the planet out from its neighbours in the solar system. The oceans spawned the earliest life forms, and they continue to sustain all terrestrial creatures-mankind included. And not simply through the water cycle; the oceans also play a vital role in regulating the Earth's temperature; without them, the planet would be inhospitably hot by day and cold by night.


IntroductionTHE GIVER OF LIFEOCEAN DYNAMICSLIFE IN THE OCEANSThe Ocean Edge  Above the Tide Line  Estuaries,Salt Marshes and Mudflats  Sandy Shores  The Shallows  Mangroves  The Frozen polar CoastsCoral ReefThe Open OceanThe Abyss  The Twilight Zone  The Dark  The Deep Sea BedMAN AND THE OCEANS  The Challenge of the Oceans  The Vast Ocean Resource  Maritine Law  Man's ImpactIndexAcknowledgements



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