Ency of Birds鸟类大全

出版时间:2007-1  出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司  作者:本社 编  页数:320  


Birds have been a source of fascination and mystery for humans throughout the world, and throughout time.The Encyclopedia of Birds reveals in striking detail the rich variety of bird life,from the exotic to the common that we can see everyday in our locality; birds whose songs and silhouettes in flight we often take for granted. But you will also find, photographed close-up with stunning clarity, occasional visitors to these shores, together with images of birds from all over the world.Splendidly illustrated, featuring more than 400 species in a highly informative text,The Encyclopedia of Birds offers a window on the world of the extraordinary diversity of birds on our planet.


IntroductionNON-PASSERINES  Ostrich and allies    Ostrich    Greater Rhea    Emu    Southern/      Double-wattled Cassowary    Undulated Tinamou    Brown Kiwi    Elegant Tinamou    Penguins    Diver and Grebes    Common Loon/      Great Northern Diver    Little Grebe    Great Crested Grebe  Albatross, Petrels, and allies    Wandering Albatross    Wilson's Storm-Petrel    Southern Giant Petrel    Northern Fuhnar    Fairy Prion    Manx Shearwater  Pelicans and allies    White-tailed Tropicbird    Brown Pelican    (American) White Pelican    (Northern) Gannet    Blue-footed Booby    Masked/Blue-faced Booby    Double-crested Cormorant    Great Cormorant    Anhinga    European Shag    Great Frigatebird/Greater Frigate Bird  Herons, Bitterns, Storks and allies    (Great) Bittern    American Bittern    Herons    Cattle Egret    Snowy Egret    Shoebill    White Stork    Wood Stork    Marabou Stork    Ibises    Greater Flamingo    Eurasian Spoonbill  Swans, Geese and Ducks    Mute Swan    Whooper Swan    Bewick's Swan    True Geese    Mallard    (Northern) Pintail    (Common) Teal    Wood Duck    Goosander/Common Merganser    Mandarin Duck    King Eider    Canvasback    Tufted Duck    Pochard  Birds of prey: Eagles, Vultures, Hawks and allies    California Condor    Andean Condor    Egyptian Vulture    Turkey Vulture    Lammergeier/Bearded Vulture    Griffon Vulture    Osprey    Red Kite    Black Kite    (Western) Marsh Harrier/Swamp Harrier    Hen/Northern Harrier    Montagu's Harrier    Hawks    Common Buzzard    Rough-legged Buzzard/Hawk    Bald Eagle    Golden Eagle    Harpy Eagle    Crested Caracara    Secretary Bird    (Common) Kestrel    Merlin    (Eurasian) Hobby    Lanner Falcon    Peregrine (Falcon)  Fowl    Malleefowl    Australian Brush-Turkey    Plain Chachalaca    Wild Turkey    Black Grouse    Sage Grouse    Rock Ptarmigan    Capercaillie    Quails    Common/Grey Partridge    Temminck's Tragopan    Common Pheasant    Blue Peafowl/Peacock    Impeyan Monal/Himalayan Monal Red Junglefowl    ……PasserinesIndex of Common NamesIndex of Scientific NamesPicutre Credits



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