圣诞节极致大全/The Ultimate Christmas Book

出版时间:2007-12  出版社:Parragon  作者:本社 编  页数:224  


Whether you are planning a traditional Christmas or a more contemporary celebration, this comprehensive guide will help to create a stylish, successful occasion for yourself, your friends and your familly.    This book takes all the possible stress out of Christmas,and includes over 70 recipes to make scrumptious Christmas food, from luxurious starters to delicious desserts. With a section on creating stylish decorations and stationery and helpful advice to ensure that everything goes to plan, this is the ultimate guide for the perfect Christmas.


CHAPTER 1  All AboutCHAPTER 2  Christmas  Starters, Brunches & Lunches  Main Courses & Accompaniments  Party Food & Drinks  Desserts & After-dinner Treats  Festive BakingCHAPTER 3  Craft  TemplatesIndex



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