My first dinosaur encyclopedia 我的第一本恐龙大百科

出版时间:2007-9  作者:本社 编  页数:224  


My First Dinosaur Encyclopedia is a comprehensive introduction to the amazing world of the dinosaurs。Read about the many different species of dinosaur,discover other prehistoric creatures and find out all about the very different world the dinosaurs lived in。This is the perfect reference tool for young readers who are hungry for dinosaur knowledge。  ·Up—to—date information and facts。  ·Stunning illustrations and attractive,clearly designed pages。  ·Bite—sized information’~deal for goung readers。  ·Includes a list of useful words and an eas9一to—use index。


IntroductionAncestors of the dinosaursKillers and scavengersGiant plant-eating dinosaursArmour,horns and platesDuck-bills and other dinosaursLife in the air The teeming seasThe world of the dinosaursSome useful wordsIndex



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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   不错的一本原版书,我和孩子都可以学习。
  •   Amarvelousbook,ofthehighestkindandquality

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