Learn to Play the Piano 学弹钢琴

出版时间:2008-9  出版社:Parragon Book Service Ltd (2008年9月1日)  作者:本社 编  页数:96  


No previous musical knowledge necessary-this book contains everything you need to start playing Expert advice to help you to select the piano or keyboard that's right for you·Shows how the keys are fingered,and helps you to develop your manual dexterity and co-ordination·Explains the worings of scales,chords and other musical ‘building blocks’·Teaches you how to read music·Features pieces in a variety of styles for you to learn-ranging from Greensleeves to Tallis's Canon and The Entertainer Easy to follow diagrams and step-by-step colou photographs.


Introduction1 Choosing a kegboard A brief history of the piano Upright v. grand Acoustic v. electronic Stools and stands Maintenance and technical matters2 Getting started Preparing to play - 1 Preparing to play - 2 Naming the notes Frere Jacques - 1 Frere Jacques - 23 Scales and chords Covering eight notes with five fingers right hand  Covering eight notes with five fingers left hand Your first chords Introducing the black keys Transposing Frere Jacques4 Introducing staff notation The treble stave The bass stave - and both staves together Beats and bars How note lengths are shown with staff notation Do Ye Ken John Peel - 1 Do Ye Ken John Peel - 15 Co-ordinating your hands Leading with the left hand An extended bass rift Two-handed workouts Tallis's canon6 Major and minor Major and minor chords Harmonic minor scales Melodic minor scales Greensleeves- 1 Greensleeves - 27 Putting on the style The sustaining pedal The 'soft' pedal and dynamic control The 'three-chord trick' Bluesy chords and syncopated rhythms The Entertainer- 1 The Entertainer - 2 Epilogue - taking it further



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