Immortal Beloved永远的爱人

出版时间:2011-5  作者:Tiernan, Cate  


'After some of the events I've witnessed I felt like I was a shell with nothing alive left in me. I hadn't been going around killing people, but people were hurt - the memories just kept trickling in like rivulets of fresh acid dripping into my brain until I wanted to scream. It was in my blood, I knew. A darkness. The darkness. I had inherited it, along with my immortality and my black eyes.' New name, new town, new life. Nastasya has done it too often to count. And there's no end in sight. Nothing ever really ends ...when you're immortal. Captivating, intense and with an incredible and original voice, IMMORTAL BELOVED is a haunting story of friendship, love and secrets, tragedy and loss.



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