Barack Obama In His Own Words奥巴马演讲和言论集

出版时间:2008-12  作者:Lisa Rogak  页数:195  


Since delivering his keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, Barack Obama has been hailed as the clear savior of not only the Democratic party, but of the integrity of American politics. Despite the fact that he burst onto the national scene seemingly overnight, his name recognition has grown by leaps and bounds ever since.Barack Obama in His Own Words, a book of quotes from the Illinois Senator, allows those who aren't as familiar with his politics to learn quickly where he stands on abortion, religion, AIDS, his critics, foreign policy, Iraq, the War on Terror, unemployment, gay marriage, and a host of other important issues facing America and the world.  作者简介:  Lisa Rogak is the author of In His Own Words: Colin Powell and Howard Dean In His Own Words. Her works have been reviewed and otherwise mentioned in the Wall Street Journal, Parade Magazine, USA Today, Family Circle, and hundreds of other publications. She lives in Lebanon, New Hampshire.



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