悉尼与新南威尔士 sydney &New South Wales

出版时间:2007-05-01  出版社:Lonely Planet  作者:Justine Vaisutis,Lindsay Brown,Jocelyn Harewood,Wendy Kramer,Charles Rawlings-Way,Penny Watson  页数:424  


Swandive at Bondi or `go glamour' at Tamarama: swim with the cool kids at Sydney's superb beaches, p63.  Explore lunar plains, outback dunes, sun-soaked coasts and moss-cloaked rainforests, p41.  Follow your nose: we've sniffed out the best coffee, loveliest wine and freshest produce, p45.  1800 hours of research by six Australian travel writers (geologists, journos, architects and novelists).  One leading environmental scientist and climate change expert, Tim Flannery.  130 words in local `lingo': tell the difference between a larrikin, a dag and a shark biscuit (you'll meet them all at one pub).  500 divine national parks: trek, mountain-bike, 4WD and camp, eco-style.


The authorsGetting startedItinerariessnapshothistorythe cultureenvironmentNew south walesoutdoorsfood&drinksydneyaroud sydney hunter valleynorth coastnew englandcentral westnorthwestback o `bourkeThe riverinasoutheastsouth coasstaustralian capital territorydiretorytransporthealthglossarybehind the scenes indexmap egend




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