芝加哥指南The Rough Guide to Chicago, 1st ed.

出版时间:2003-12  出版社:Rough Guides  作者:Rich McHugh 著  页数:274  


  THE POUGH GUIDE TO CHICAGO is the most practical guide to the city. Features include:  Full-color section introducing Chicago's highlights.  In-depth coverage  of  the  city's neighborhoods and sights, from the modern towers and monumental icons of The Loop to leafy Lincoln Park and the friendly confines of Wrigley Field.  Discerning reviews of the reviews of the best hotels, restaurants, bars and live music venues-including the blues clubs for which the city is famous - to suit every taste and budget.  Expert background on Chicago history and culture, with special features on architecture and blues music.  Maps and plans for the entire city.



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