(韦氏新探索者大学词典)Webster's New Explorer College Dictionary

出版时间:2003-1  出版社:2003-04-01 (2003年4月1日)  作者:Merriam-Webster (EDT)  页数:1098  


COMPREHENSIVE:More than 100,000 clear, easy-to-understand definitions for the words you need to know now Over 950 illustrations and tables clarify and expand your understanding Synonym and word origin paragraphs provide additional in-depth information Verbal illustrations show how words are used in context.    EASY-TO-USE:The open, clean page design means that you will always find the entry you want quickly and easily An extensive How to Use This Dictionary section explains each feature of this dictionary and how it works.    AUTHORITATIVE AND UP-TO-DATE:Created in cooperation with the Editors of Merriam-Webster, America's foremost language reference publisher for over 150 years.


PrefaceUsing this DictionaryAbbreviations Used in This DictionaryPronunciation SymbolsA Dictionary of the English LanguageAbbreviations and Symbols for Chemical ElementsSigns and SymbolsA Handbook of Style




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