Web Technologies Research and Development - APWeb 2005 网技术研究和发展

出版时间:2005-4  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Yanchun Zhang 著  页数:1082  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2005, held in Shanghai, China in March/April 2005.  The 71 revised full papers and 22 revised short papers presented together with 6 keynote papers and 22 invited demo papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 420 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on classification and clustering, topic and concept discovery, text search and document generation, Web search, mobile computing and P2P, XML, integration and collaboration, data mining and analysis, Web browsing and navigation, spatial data, stream data processing, Web services, ontologies, change management, personalization, performance and optimization, Web caching, data grid, multimedia, object recognition and information extraction, visualization and user interfaces, and delivery and networks.


Keynote PapersSession 1:Classification and ClusteringSession 2:Topic and Concept DiscoverySession 3:Text Search and Document GenerationSession 4:Web SearchSession 5:Mobile and P2PSession 6:XML(1)Session 7:XML(2)Session 8:Integration and CollaborationSession 9:Data Mining and AnalysisSession 10:Web Browing and NavigationSession 11:Spatial DataSession 12:Stream Data Processing Session 13:Web ServiceSession 14:OntologySession 15:Change Management Session 16:PersonalizationSession 17:Performance and OptimizationSession 18:Web Caching Session 19:Data GridSession 20:MultimediaSession 21:Object Recognition and Information ExtractionSession 22:Visualization and User InrerfacesSession 23:Delivery and NetworkSession 24:Invited Demo PapersAuthor Index



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