Intelligent Virtual Agents智能虚拟主体

出版时间:2006-9  出版社:Springer  作者:Jonathan Gratch  页数:472  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Agents, IVA 2006, held in Marina Del Rey, CA, USA, in August 2006.   The 24 revised full papers and 11 revised short papers presented together with 3 invited talks and the abstracts of 19 poster papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 73 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on social impact of IVAs, IVAs recognizing human behavior, human interpretation of IVA behavior, embodied conversational agents, characteristics of nonverbal behavior, behavior representation languages, generation of nonverbal behavior with speech, IVAs in serious games, cognition and emotion, and applications of IVAs.


Social Impact of IVAs  Why Fat Interface Characters Are Better e-Health Advisors  Virtual RapportIVAs Recognizing Human Behavior  Imitation Learning and Response Facilitation in Embodied Agents  Robust Recognition of Emotion from Speech  Affect Detection from Human-Computer Dialogue with an Intelligent Tutoring System  Exploitation in Affect Detection in Improvisational E-DramaHuman Interpretation of IVA Behavior  An Exploration of Delsarte's Structural Acting System  Perception of Blended Emotions: From Video Corpus to Expressive Agent  Perceiving Visual Emotions with SpeechEmbodied Conversational Agents  Dealing with Out of Domain  Questions in Virtual Characters  MIKI: A Speech Enabled Intelligent Kiosk  Architecture of a Framework for Generic Assisting Conversational Agents  A Comprehensive Context Model for Multi-party Interactions with Virtual Characters  "What Would You Like to Talk About?" An Evaluation of Social Conversations with a Virtual ReceptionistCharacteristics of Nonverbal Behavior  Gesture Expressivity Modulations in an ECA Application  Visual Attention and Eye Gaze During Multiparty Conversations with DistractionsBehavior Representation Languages  Towards a Common Framework for Multimodal Generation: The Behavior Markup Language  MPML3D: A Reactive Markup Language Framework for the Multimodal PresentationGeneration of Nonverbal Behavior with SpeechIVAs in Serious GamesCognition and Emotion1Cognition and Emotion2Applications of IVAsInvited Talks PostersAuthor Index



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