互连网与网络经济学 / 国际会议录/Internet and network economics

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:广东教育出版社  作者:Spirakis, Paul; Mavronicolas, Marios; Kontogiannis, Spyros  页数:400  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics, WINE 2006, held in Hong Kong, China in December 2005. The 108 revised full papers presented together with 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 372 submissions. There are 31 papers in the main program and 77 papers presented in 16 special tracks covering the areas of internet and algorithmic economics, e-commerce protocols, security, collaboration, reputation and social networks, algorithmic mechanism, financial computing, auction algorithms, online algorithms, collective rationality, pricing policies, web mining strategies, network economics, coalition strategies, internet protocols, price sequence, and equilibrium.


Truthful Auctions with Optimal ProfitMechanisms with Verification for Any Finite DomainPure Nash Equilibria in Player-Specific and Weighted Congestion GamesOn the Complexity of Pure-Strategy Nash Equilibria in Congestion and Local-Effect GamesStrong and Correlated Strong Equilibria in Monotone Congestion GamesThe Equilibrium Existence Problem in Finite Network Congestion GamesFirst-Passage Percolation on a Width-2 Strip and the Path Costin a VCG Auction Optimal Cost-Sharing Mechanisms for Steiner Forest ProblemsMechanisms to Induce Random ChoiceBayesian Optimal No-Deficit Mechanism DesignSuccinct Approximation of Trade-Off CurvesGame-Theoretic Aspects of Designing Hyperlink StructuresCompeting for Customers in a Social Network:The Quasi-linear CaseSelfish Service Installation in NetworksGames of ConnectivityAssignment Problems in Rental MarketsOn Portfolio's Default-Risk-Adjusted Duration and Value: Model and Algorithm Based on CopulasPrice Roll-Backs and Path Auctions: An Approximation Scheme for Computing the Market EquilibriumNew Results on Rationality and Strongly Polynomial Time Solvability in Eisenberg-Gale MarketsMaking Economic Theory OperationalSparse Games Are HardMarket Equilibria with Hybrid Linear-Leontief UtilitiesPolynomial Algorithms for Approximating Nash Equilibria of Bimatrix GamesA Note on Approximate Nash EquilibriaRanking Sports Teams and the Inverse Equal Paths Problem……Author INdex




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