A crash course in mathematica速成班在Mathematica

出版时间:1999-7  作者:Kaufmann, Stephan  页数:200  


"A Crash Course in Mathematica" is a compact introduction to the program Mathematica, which is widely used in mathematics, as well as in the natural and engineering sciences.


PrefaceA Short Tour Formula Entry Numerical Calculations Symbolic Mathematics Graphics Programming Some of the Most Important FunctionsPart 1: The Basics 1.1 The Structure of the Program  1.1.1 The Front End  1.1.2 The Kernel 1.2 Online Documentation 1.3 Formulas  1.3.1 Formats  1.3.2 Entering Formulas and Special Characters 1.4 Simple Calculations  1.4.1 Conventions  1.4.2 Numerical Calculations  1.4.3 Algebraic Manipulation  1.4.4 Transformation Rules and Definitions  1.4.5 Equations  1.4.6 CalculusPart 2: Graphics 2.1 Graphs of Functions of One Variable 2.2 Graphs of Functions of Two Variables  2.2.1 Surfaces  2.2.2 Contours  2.2.3 Density Plots 2.3 Parametric Plots  2.3.1 Two-Dimensional Parametric Plots  2.3.2 Three-Dimensional Parametric Plots 2.4 Tools from Standard Packages  2.4.1 Three-Dimensional Contour Plots  2.4.2 Tools for Two-Dimensional Graphics  2.4.3 Tools for Three-Dimensional Graphics  2.4.4 Legends  2.4.5 Vector Fields 2.5 Animations 2.6 Exporting to Other ProgramsPart 3: Lists and Graphics Programming 3.1 Lists  3.1.1 Creating One-Dimensional Lists  3.1.2 Manipulating Lists  3.1.3 Multidimensional Lists 3.2 Calculating with Lists  3.2.1 Automatic Operations  3.2.2 Mapping Functions on Lists  3.2.3 Pure Functions  3.2.4 Using List Elements as Arguments  3.2.5 Plotting Lists 3.3 Linear Algebra 3.4 Graphics Programming  3.4.1 Graphics Objects  3.4.2 Graphics3D Objects  3.4.3 Objects from Standard Packages 3.5 Application: Animating a MechanismPart 4: Introduction to Programming 4.1 Expressions 4.2 Patterns  4.2.1 Simple Patterns  4.2.2 Constraints  4.2.3 More Complicated Patterns  4.2.4 A Simple Integrator 4.3 Evaluation  4.3.1 Associated Definitions  4.3.2 Attributes  4.3.3 The Evaluation Process 4.4 Programming Tools  4.4.1 Local Variables  4.4.2 Functional Programming  4.4.3 Rule-Based and Recursive Programming  4.4.4 Procedural Programming  ……Index



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