
出版时间:2002-2  出版社:科学出版社  作者:帕斯劳 编  


本书是一本历史悠久的免疫学教科书,自问世以来为读者和专业媒体所赞誉。《临床和实验变态反应》对本书的评价为“highly recommended for students and practitioners since difficult concepts are very clearly explained and the style of presentation is rser-friendly.”本书的第10版由来自美国、加拿大、澳大利亚的64位教授编写,美国加州大学的Tristram G.Parslow等四位教授担任主编,颇具权威性。全书将免疫学的基础概念和病原学、诊断及治疗结合起来,系统阐述了因免疫缺陷、超敏反应及自身免疫所致的临床疾病,简述了感染的反应过程。本书有较多的图表和模式图,专为学生和住院医师设计,具有语言简精,可读性强的特点。


AuthorsPrefaceSECTION I.BASIC IMMUNOLOGY 1.Fundamentals of Blood Cell Biology 2.Innate Immunity 3.Lymphocytes £¦ Lymphoid Tissues 4.The Immune Response 5.Immunogens,Antigens, £¦ Vaccines 6.Antigen Presentation £¦ the Major Histocompatibility Complex 7.Immunoglobulins £¦ Immunoglobulin Genes 8.B-Cell Development £¦ the Humoral Immune Response 9.T Lymphocytes £¦ Natural Killer Cells 10.Cytokines 11.Chemokines 12.Complement £¦ Kinin 13.Inflammation 14.The Mucosal Immune SystemSECTION II.IMMUNOLOGIC LABORATOTY TESTS 15.Clinical Laboratory Methods for Detection of Antigens £¦ Antibodies 16.Clinical Laboratory Methods for Detection of Cellular Immunity 17.Blood Banking £¦ Immunohematology 18.Molecular Genetic Techniques for Clinical Analysis of the Immune System 19.Histocompatibility Testing 20.Laboratory Evaluation of Immune CompetenceSECTION III.CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 21.Antibody(B-Cell)Immunodeficiency Disorders 22.T-Cell Immundeficiency Disorders 23.Combined Antibody(B-Cell) £¦ Cellular(T-Cell)Immunodeficiency Disorders 24.Phagocytic Dysfunction Diseases 25.Complement Deficiencies 26.The Atopic Diseases 27.Anaphylaxis £¦ Urticaria 28.Immune-Complex Allergic Diseases 29.Cell-Mediated Hypersensitivity Diseases 30.Drug Allergy 31.Rheumatic Diseases 32.Endocrine Diseases 33.Hematologic Diseases 34.Inflammatory Vasculitides 35.Gastrointestinal,Hepatobiliary, £¦ Orodental Diseases 36.Renal Disease 37.Dermatologic Diseases 38.Neurologic Diseases 39.Eye diseases 40.Respiratory Diseases 41.Reproduction £¦ the Immune System 42.Mechanisms of Tumor Immunology 43.Neoplasms of the Immune System 44.Bacterial Diseases 45.Viral Infections 46.AIDS £¦ Other Virus Infections of the Immune System 47.Fungal Diseases 48.Parasitic Diseases 49.Spirochetal Diseases:Syphilis £¦ Lyme DiseaseSECTION IV.IMMUNOLOGIC THERAPY 50.Immunization 51.Allergy Diseensitization 52.Clinical Transplantation 53.Immunosuppressive,Antiinflammatory, £¦ Immunomodulatory TherapyAppendixThe CD Classification of Hematopoietic Cell Surface MarkersIndex



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