
出版时间:2003-11-01  出版社:科学出版社  作者:Colin Ratledge,Bjorn Kristiansen  页数:568  字数:865000  


生物技术是21世纪的主流技术之一,与每个人的生活密切相关。生物技术不仅包括DNA重组、克隆和遗传工程,还包括运用微生物来生产面包、啤酒、奶酪和抗生素等日常生活必需的产品。生物技术可以应用于许多疾病的革新治疗、构建清洁工程、处理环境问题等方面。本书概括了当前生物技术进展的全貌,使读者能够充分了解这门学科并从中有所领悟和收益,阐述了生物技术的基本原理并对这些原理在实践中的应用进行了详实的例证。    本书是生物技术和应用微生物学相关专业师生的必备教科书,也适于生物技术产业的从业人员参考使用。


List of contributorsPrefacePart Ⅰ Fundamentals and principles 1 Public perception of biotechnology 2 Biochemistry and physiology of growth and metabolism 3 Stoichiometry and Kinetics of microbial growth from a thermodynamic perspective Nomenclature 4 Genome management and analysis:prokaryotes 5 Genetic engineering:yeasts and filamentous fungi 6 Microbial process kinetics 7 Bioreactor design 8 Mass transfer 9 Downstream processing in biotechnology 10 Measurement and control 11 Process economicsPart Ⅱ Practical applications  12 The business of biotechnology  13 Amino acids 14 Organic acids  15 Microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates,polysaccharides and lipids 16 Antibiotics 17 Baker's yeast 18 Production of enzymes 19 Synthesis of chemicals using enzymes 20 Recombinant proteins of high value 21 Mammalian cell culture 22 Biotransformations 23 Immunochemical applications 24 Environmental applicationsIndex



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